362 Upper Paya Lebar Road, Singapore

Practice Tool

Practice Tool

Practice Tools of MySoroban offers 3 types of access to the students:

1. Full Access : It can be utilised by the students of organizations and teachers who are all registered under Full Access of Classroom Tools. Also, the students who are registered directly under MySoroban to learn abacus are eligible to utilise the Practice Tools.

2. Partial Access : It can be done by the students of organizations and teachers who are all registered under Partial Access of Classroom Tools.

3. Direct Access : Students who are interested to use Practice Tools can be purchased at MySoroban through their organization or teacher or directly, they shall be allowed to use Partial Access only, it may have all the facilities available in practice tolls other than the Homework.

Note : Any student from any organization or teacher,who are all not involved in MySoroban activities are allowed to take part in international Grading Examinations and international Competitions conducting by the GAJSMA and Olympiads-WNC.

  • Full Access
  • Partial Access
  • Direct Access