MySoroban appoints soroban teacher to teach Soroban and Mental Maths at schools :
There shall be at least 100 student's registration is required to open MySoroban courses in a school.
Teacher and students ratio in every batch is 1:25 only.
All the registered student's course fee must to be paid in advance before the commencement of class.
Schedule of Class, duration of classes on different courses. Batch number and selection of suitable teacher may be done during student's registration.
Payment shall not be returned under any circumstances.
MySoroban offers appointment to teachers who are all having experience in Soroabn and Mental Maths (no institute and no students). The appointed teachers can work from home or work at school to teach soroban and mental maths to students from schools or students registered directly under MySoroban.
MySoroban students or School Managements can choose appointed registered teachers to work under MySoroban or under the name of Registered School/Organization.
Salary to the teachers shall be taken care by MySoroban.
Teachers - having minimum number of students and interested to work under MySoroban to avail the facilities in Mysoroban can register under the organization name as 'MySoroban'
MySoroban may provide it's students to the registered teachers to teach from home or schools.
MySoroban students or School Managements will choose to appoint the registered teachers to work under MySoroban and under the name of School/Organization under MySoroban.
Payments to the teacher for MySoroban students shall be taken care by MySoroban. Salary to the teachers shall be transferred from MySoroban on or before 10th of every month.
It is proud to have management's signature on their institution/ Organization's certificates, also which will elevate the value of the institutions. MySoroban proudly permit the institutions/ organizations to add a feather on their crown buy allowing management of an institute/ organization to sign on it's certificates. It is allowed only on International Grading Examination Certificates to sign along with the other eminent personalities of GAJSMA, provided there must be more than 300 students registrations in every grading examination conducting by the GAJSMA.
Proceed to register students to Sign on Certificates
Teachers - having minimum number of students and interested to work under MySoroban to avail the facilities in Mysoroban can register under the organization name as 'MySoroban'
MySoroban may provide it's students to the registered teachers to teach from home or schools.
MySoroban students or School Managements will choose to appoint the registered teachers to work under MySoroban and under the name of School/Organization under MySoroban.
Payments to the teacher for MySoroban students shall be taken care by MySoroban. Salary to the teachers shall be transferred from MySoroban or before 10th of every month.
Students of MySoroban who are completed Master Courses after attaining 18 years of age can apply to join as teacher. MySoroban may provide necessary training at free of cost. The trained Ex-Students and the present Teachers can conduct online soroban classes to students.
Professors, Teachers and Educators having proficiency in various fields can apply to become an instructor in their field of proficiency to teach to the students in respective discipline. LAMES the partner of MySoroban shall provide necessary classroom to teach to students.
Individuals having skill in public relationship, marketing and sales can act as Partnering Executive to have tie-up with schools, colleges and universities to offer their courses in LAMES and have a certifying body to the successful students of LAMES.
LA-MES invites educational institutions and universities to have tie-up to offer courses, conduct official examinations and issue certificates to students. LA-MES, is a open sources learning platform, to learn all types of courses available in various institutions and university in the world. LA-MES is providing virtual classroom and acting as bridge between the educators and students, educational institutions (including universities) and students to provide suitable courses, conduct examinations.
Whatever the fee collected from the educators and educational institutions to conduct courses in virtual classrooms of MySoroban and LA-MES will be contributed to the service organizations situated in various countries (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar and Cambodia) which are registered with Zutoura and Mysoroban.
Educator can apply to get Classroom Register
Educational Institutions can apply to offer their Courses Register
Students can apply to the courses available all over the world to Learn from Home Register
Zutoura is a global tour operators and their tour packages aggregator portal (visit, which is providing simplified tour package booking facilities on fingertips. Zutoura invites various educational institute and business entities to post their advertisement banners in Zutoura and it's allied websites. Whatever the fee collected from advertisement goes to service organizations situated in various countries getting support from Zutoura, Mysoroban and LA-MES. The service organisation in various countries are India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Albania, Serbia, Ukraine etc.
Apply to post your advertisement Register